Pre Order
In the high-stakes world of intergalactic espionage, Dario Trek, an agent of the Intergalactic Special Agent Division (ISAD), faces his greatest challenge yet. After a grueling mission, he returns home to Veloria Prime, only to find peace elusive as a new threat looms. The NexaHunt game, an interdimensional scavenger hunt, is a deadly trap orchestrated by the sinister Klesha Mara.
Trek's mission is now twofold: uncover Mara's plan and find a fellow agent who has gone missing in action. Alongside Agent Arista Karma, Dario must navigate a web of deception and danger, from serene deserts to perilous portals, while searching for the missing players of the Nexa Hunt game and his lost colleague. The future of multiple worlds hangs in the balance as he races to confront Mara and unravel the hidden agenda.
Can Dario Trek outwit the forces threatening the galaxy, or will the Nexa Hunt game claim another victim? "Nexa Hunt" is a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and justice in a universe where danger lurks at every turn.
Coming Soon
The Beta Frequency
Join Diego Luz, an urban Buddhist, and awakened Intergalactic Agent Dario Trek on an exhilarating journey in "The Beta Frequency".
This gripping novel follows their mission to take down the current programmer, Mara, and save a prime dynamo from Samsara.
Latest News
I'm excited to announce that the Nexa Hunt story is now being translated into various languages, with Spanish being the first. It has also been adapted/written into a screenplay, so that's going on behind the scenes as well.